
Thursday, September 21, 2017


WALT improve our punctuation and grammar skills


  • Identify the part of speech
  • Use all clues available to make the most informed answer
  • Activate prior knowledge about how parts of speech work
On Tuesday my group did English skills book. I had to put ED or T at the word on the list ex: I scream-I screamed.
my task was very easy and small but i finished it, and it was all correct. the hard thing for me was to find another task to so then i found another page and started but did not finish it


Task 14
WALT find the perimeter of a shape

  • Identify the measurements of the side of a shape
  • Add all the measurements together

On Tuesday I had to identify the perimeter of a shape. The first 9 questions i was good i got the hang of it and then got all of it correct. The hard part for me was adding it all together, it started of easy and then really difficult. I finished my task at question 20 and got 17/20 correct. I really need to work on adding heaps of numbers at the same time..

Monday, September 18, 2017

On Monday the year 8 and year 7 boys stayed with Karena and Tracy. Our task was to see which group could stack the most shoes. It was all about the way we had to stack the shoes, we had to balance it and also use a lot of different techniques to stack it. To me the amount of shoes don't matter but it the way you stack it and balance it. My group, group B we did not have faith that we were gonna win, but then we won and the feeling was cool and stinky.

Friday, September 15, 2017


  • Read the text
  • Activate knowledge about the text
  • Skim and scan for key information
for reading my read a book called river flow. we had to talk about the setting, characters, plot, and resolution. When i read the book skimming and scanning help me a lot, it helps me finish my task faster and more easier for me.  


task 9
which unit of measurement, tonne, kilogram, gram or milligram
example: the weight of a truck= tonne
For me the task was hard and difficult at the same time. The thing that i was doing correct was answering all the questions to question 11. but once hit question 12 and on that is where i got most of my answers wrong. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

  • Know that ± means ‘plus or minus’
  • Find the minimum and maximum measurements
  • Measure the distance between two points

On Thursday we were working on the plus and minus sign. i was working really well on my work i understood what i was doing. first five minutes i didn't write anything,and once tugi explained it to me i got the hang of it then done it all by myself